IAER Kolkata

Refund Policy for UG program for Academic Session 2023-26

Please find below refund policy of IAER for all UG program for academic session 2023-26. This policy is line with UGC refund guidelines for refund that are also available on UGC website


1. Formally notified last date of admission for UG program at IAER is 31st July 2023.

2. Those students who have obtained the admission by making payment of only Enrollment Fee & Admission Fee can avail refund as per the following details:

  • They have to apply within 10 days from the date of payment of enrollment fees.
  • If a candidate applies after 10days from the date of payment of enrollment fee no refund shall be initiate.

3. Those students who have obtained the admission by making payment towards initial instalments (i.e., Enrollment Fee, Admission Fee and 1st Installment Tuition Fee) can avail refund as per the following details:

Sr Point of time when notice of withdrawal of admissions received in the college. Date of notice of withdrawal of admissions received in the College Percentage of Refund of Tuition fees*
I 15 days or more before the formally notified last date of admission Up to 15th July 2023 100%
II Less than 15 days before the formally notified last date of admission From 16th July 2022 to 31st July 2023 90%
III 15 days or less after the formally notified last date of admission From 1st August 2023 to 15th August 2023 80%
IV 30 days or less, but more than 15 days, after formally notified last date of admission From 16th August 2023 to 31st August 2023 50%
V More than 30 days after formally notified last date of admission From 1st September 2023 onwards 0%
* Enrollment Fee & Admission Fee does not come under Tuition Fee.
* Caution money and security deposit, which are not part of the fees chargeable, shall be refunded in full

4. In case of 1 in the table above, IAER shall deduct an amount not more than 5% of the fee paid by the student, subject to a maximum of Rs. 5000/- as processing charges from the refundable amount

5. Students should send email to admission@iaer.in for cancellation of admission citing proper reason from his/her registered email id with IAER

6. S/He must mention Bank Account No., Bank Name, Branch Name with IFSC Code in the email. Any failure in payment due to improper details will be sole responsibility of the student

7. Students who have paid hostel fees and canceling their admission prior to occupying hostel accommodation will be paid full refund of the hostel fees.

8. Students who wish to cancel their admission to hostel after occupying hostel accommodation will not be liable for any refund of hostel fees.

9. If UGC announce any other fresh guidelines regarding refund for the academic session 2023- 26, IAER will be following those guidelines.

10. Students who wish to cancel their admission to hostel after occupying hostel accommodation will not be liable for any refund of hostel fees.

11. If UGC announce any other fresh guidelines regarding refund for the academic session 2023-26, IAER will be following those guidelines.

By Order
Dean – Student Welfare & Administration
Hello, I am Niaa, your Admission Assistant.